It would be “slow.” That’s the very first word that came to mind. 2021 was intense. I was overloaded with work, which made daily life feel wildly out of balance.
My mom wasn’t supposed to live. Born three months early, she came out of the womb at three pounds, two ounces, followed five minutes later by her ‘baby’ brother. The twins stayed in the NICU for months, not even visited by my grandmother. She was told not to get attached.
I’m having frequent poignant memories of childhood – sparked by Parker’s age and where she is in her life. Equating it to where I was at her age in my life.
Part of the life, or psyche, as a writer is riding highs and lows of creativity. Sometimes I have so many ideas that it’s painful to not have more hours in the day to explore and poke at them. Other times, I have the luxury of free time, but zero ideas percolating.